I was born in Santo André city – SP on February 17th of 1979.
I had my first contact with Martial Arts at the age of 4, practicing Jūdō for 2 years.
When I was 11 I practiced Tae Kwon Do for 6 months.
At the age of 13 I practiced Shaolin Kung-Fu for 4 and a half years.
On January 9th, 1999, days before my 20th birthday, I started to practice Ninjutsu Bujinkan in São Paulo, as a student at Shidōshi-Ho Jefferson Flausino (today no longer belonging to the Bujinkan).
In 2004 I became a student of Shidōshi-Ho Climério Santos, but he had to move to another state in 2006, so in the same year I became a student of Shidōshi Roberto Corrêa (currently Dai-Shihan).
In 2013 I became a student of Shihan Christian Petroccello (currently Dai-Shihan).
In 2021 I became a disciple of Dai-Shihan Alejandro García.
On February 21th, 2010 I received from the Dai-Shihan Christian Petroccello, the name of my Dōjō:
Shinmuryō Dōjō (Place Where Truth Without Measure Is Studied).
In 2012 I started teaching in São Caetano do Sul – SP and I also have disciples in other states of Brazil, where I travel periodically to give intensive training and seminars.
Fui pioneiro no Brasil a criar livros de material de estudos das técnicas com explicações passo-a-passo da Bujinkan (Denshō por escrito), assim como o site de streaming Denshō Series.
Visando a necessidade de pessoas que precisam focar em aprender a se defender, criei o sistema de defesa pessoal Goshin-Dō (Caminho da Defesa Pessoal).
Estou sempre me atualizando por meio de pesquisas e estudos sobre as escolas ensinadas na Bujinkan, com o objetivo de ministrar e ensinar da forma mais eficiente e inspirar os alunos a permanecerem no caminho das Artes Marciais.
The Bujinkan cultivates peace and harmony among human beings through the study of Martial Arts, their historical origins and their cultural traditions.
A Budōka's main weapon is its heart; with him, bonds of friendship are created between practitioners and Budō is developed with even greater joy.
This feeling, without a doubt, is one of the main focuses of the Bujinkan Dōjō.